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Prostitution nowadays is the easiest way to make money. What are the different categories of prostitution? Discover them here.
The courtesan
Still called demimondaine, the courtesan is at the top of all prostitution. It is one of the forms of prostitution that all prostitutes would like to do because it provides a life of luxury with beautiful apartments, dresses, jewelry, and servants. Those who practice this kind of prostitution are luxury prostitutes and have reached this level because they are well-educated, beautiful, and have similar features to a great lady.
Likewise, she frequents salons, and operas and evolves in privileged circles. The courtesan relies on the ability to seduce and make men go crazy for her. For this kind of prostitution, all that is needed is a little illness that makes the girl lose her beauty, which makes the man get tired of her. Therefore, in order not to end up alone, it is advisable that the girl saves money to be able to live better.
The cocotte
Like the courtesan, the “cocotte” is a form of prostitution that consists in maintaining her mistress. She is less well-placed than the courtesan. The cocotte uses her charm to please the client, she does her best to be noticed and is recognized by her passion for perfumes. That’s why having a cocotte is a real pleasure.
The dancers
These places are the most frequented by the great men. Indeed, the dancer looking for a rich man, a man who will help her to go on stage, is very easy to convince. In the bars, the dancers’ role is to incite and tease the big rich men so that they drink and consume. Likewise, the girls to satisfy their desire go to these places to see men dancing for them, which also pushes them to spend and consume.